Pig Collectors Beware!

June 14, 2012 at 8:34 am | Posted in My Pig Collection, Pig News | 4 Comments
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My new pig planter, purchased at antique mall in Monterey, CA

Why the cautionary headline? Because if you’re like me, you can’t stop buying pig things (exhibit A to the left, a pig planter I just bought), so when I learned about the new “Pig collectibles and antiques” category of online shopping destination Collectors Weekly, I was excited but wary.

Hunter from Collectors Weekly describes the site as “an online resource where you can get info on specific collectibles, upload your own finds, or shop our best of eBay listings. The site expanded to include an entire family of animal categories, including a section all about pig collectibles and antiques.”

Hunter asked me to “have a look, share with other porcine enthusiasts, and let us know if you have any questions.”

So I had a look, and here’s what I think:

Sure, it’s fun to go to a website where just what you are looking for is all in one place. That’s what this has; it’s got all the pig items penned into one category. Of course, I could just go to ebay and enter “pig antique” in the search box and voila, I’ve got one page with all antique pigs I can handle (and one less hour in my day!) But this site offers more beyond the product listings, and that’s what makes it worth stopping by. To be specific…

  • “Fresh Type” is a section touted as the website’s “Latest news and reporting.” On the pig page, I found a great Muppets article there called Before Sesame Street and Electric Mayhem, a Crude Kermit Lip Synced Pop Standards. If you scroll towards the bottom of it, there’s a big payoff with the image of a Swarovski-studded Miss Piggy minaudiere designed by jeweler to the stars, Kathrine Baumann.
  • Show & Tell – Share Your Stuff! This section is money! People post their antique pig scores, and others leave comments and/or “like” the posts. You can also post your own. You have to create an account to do either. This section has great potential, especially being able to find out about your pig purchases, but I’d like to see more people commenting to make this section pop.

So thanks Hunter for letting me know about your new Pig Category, and Pig Lovers, check it out and let us know what you think about it.

I Found My Kermit!

June 11, 2012 at 4:15 am | Posted in My Pig Collection | 4 Comments
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Hello fellow Pig Lovers,

I have not blogged in a long, long time, but I’ve been meaning to:)

I know you can relate to that. We’ve all got things we’ve been meaning to do, right? I figure, we do what we do when we do it. Why be hard on ourselves?!

Since I last blogged, 2 major things happened in my life:

1. I bought my first house. Oh boy, that was a roller coaster of a ride, but I made it through and now have a home to call my own with plenty of room for my pig collection.

2. I got engaged. I’ve been with my boyfriend, er, fiancee (ha!) Chris for almost 5 years and during a weekend getaway to Carmel, CA he popped the question. It was ridiculously romantic; we were standing in the crashing waves, he told me he loved me and that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with me, and then he said these words, which still cracks me up:

“It’s time to lock this shit down.”

Of course I said yes.

For many, that wouldn’t be a very romantic thing to hear at that particular point, but for me, it was perfect. And that’s what makes him perfect for me. We get each other. What more could you ask for?

Since I’m sharing this news on my Pig Lovers blog, I suppose I should tie this into pigs somehow. Well, here goes:

Suzette and Wilbur enjoying play date

A few days ago my dog Wilbur and I met up with our friend Danielle and her ridiculously adorable daughter Suzette for a little play date by the Bay. Danielle gave me a belated birthday gift, a charming ceramic pig. Later that afternoon, the new pig addition was on my dining room table amongst the clutter; a vase with fresh-cut flowers, some planters, a notebook, an old toy car discovered under the flooring of our new house, a laptop and other random items.

Ceramic white birthday pig peeking out from the mess that is my dining room table

Chris comes home, and within seconds, walks into the kitchen, peers into the dining room, and says to me, “what’s that?” pointing to the white ceramic pig.

Me: “My new pig. Danielle gave it to me.”

Chris: “I think I’ve inherited your pig radar.”

(Pig radar is what I use to describe my sixth sense that enables me to locate pig items in close proximity any time, any where.)

Yep, I’ve found the man for me!

Do you have pig radar?

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